Diet Coaching

By landing here you’re serious about getting your diet on track. Let me help!

Monthly Pricing

1 Month

You only need a little help.


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Free Everfit Portal

3 Months

You’re getting serious.


Free Consultation

Free Everfit Portal

Save $50!

6 Months

You mean business!


Free Consultation

Free Everfit Portal

Save $150!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does It Work?

Serious changes to diet habits take time.

As such, I offer packages in months to offer you the support you need for as long as you need it.

Together we’ll look at your current eating habits and figure out ways to meet your goals without being miserable.

I’ll set up an account for you on Everfit and we’ll link it to your MyFitness Pal account to easily share information and get you on the right track.

Then I’ll provide food options and sample meals, you’ll track your food daily, and I’ll provide regular guidance along the way.

Do I Have To Use Everfit and MyFitness Pal?

Technically no, but it is the easiest way I’ve found for us to share data.

Both apps are free for you and offer a lot of power and flexibility. I’ve even written an article about my love of MFP.

Is This Only For Weight Loss?


Most people coming to me for help on their diet are seeking weight loss, but we can also dial in your macros to put on muscle, maintain your current weight without losing muscle, or simply help you live healthier.

What About Dietary Restrictions? Vegetarian, Halal, Kosher, Celiac, etc?

No problem!

Many of my family / clients have various dietary restrictions and it only makes the job more fun.

That said, I cannot go against the advice of your doctor or nutritionist.

Is This In-Person Or Remote?

This program is generally offered remotely, though I’m happy to meet in person and discuss your program once and a while if you prefer.

Can I Bundle This With Your Other Services?


I offer a 25% discount if you bundle either personal training or jiu-jitsu lessons.

This is in addition to any discounts from those packages

Still have questions? Go to my contact page and fire away!