Private Jiu-Jitsu Lessons

So you want to bring your game to the next level? I got you!


1 Class

Learn something new.


Free GoPro Recording

Up to 3 Friends

No Additional Savings

3 Classes

Refine your game.


Free GoPro Recording

Up to 3 Friends

Save $50

5 Classes

Level up!


Free GoPro Recording

Up to 3 Friends

Save $100!

Here are some of the most common questions I get asked about private lessons:

How Does It Work?

We book a session and you can either meet me at my humble garage studio in Lake Balboa or at Jean-Jacques Machado Sherman Oaks located inside Valley Martial Arts Center.

I’ll also travel to you if you have a home set up and are within Los Angeles.

From there the time is yours! We can…

  • Dissect a specific technique or position.
  • Solve a specific problem you’re having.
  • Spar and look for holes in your game.
  • Go competition speed in a meathead-free environment.
  • Analyze competition footage and identify mistakes.
How Long Is A Session?

Sessions are typically 50 minutes.

This gives us enough time to address your needs, get you closer to your goals, and allows us a small window to discuss next steps before my next client.

I’ve Never Trained Before, Are Privates Right For Me?

If you’ve never trained jiu-jitsu, I would recommend joining a gym and starting there. I know plenty of local gyms if you need help finding one, just send me a message.

If for some reason you’re uncomfortable joining a gym at this time, or just prefer one-on-one training, then I’m happy to help!

What If I Have To Cancel? Is My Session Gone?

Life gets in the way, I understand.

If for whatever reason you can’t make your session, I will do my best to reschedule you at your earliest convenience.

I ask for at least 24 hour notice so someone else can have your slot, and if you have to reschedule more than twice then I bill for the session. This is to prevent abuse of my time and keep you on track!

Do My Sessions Expire?



The only way to lose a session you paid for is to not show up, or if you cancel on me more than twice. See above.

Where Is Your Studio?

I have a humble garage studio in Lake Balboa, or we can meet at Jean-Jacques Machado Sherman Oaks inside Valley Martial Arts Center.

I am also willing to travel in the Los Angeles area, with a small additional fee for transportation.

What Age Ranges Do You Work With?

As long as you can follow directions it doesn’t matter!

Generally this means 8 and up for children. Any younger and I find it can be difficult to stay on task.

If I’m Injured, Can I Still Train?

If you are cleared by a medical professional (your doctor) then I am happy to work with you at whatever capacity you are able.

I cannot go against the advice of your physician or physical therapist, but if they’re okay with it then I am too.

Can I Bundle This With Your Other Services?


I offer a 25% discount if you bundle either diet coaching or personal training.

This is in addition to any discounts from those packages

Do You Do Seminars?


Contact me and let’s discuss.

Still have questions? Go to my contact page and fire away!